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​General Admission Policy


This Admissions Policy is used to define the enrollment requirements for individuals who wish to enroll at Northern Technical College as a regular student.  Northern Technical College must adhere to the U.S. Department of Education, Arkansas Board of Barbering and National Accrediting Commission of Career Arts and Sciences guidelines.


General Admission Requirements


Northern Technical College is an equal opportunity employer and follows the same policies in accepting applications from potential students.  Northern Technical College is open to all students without regard to race, color, religion, age, sex, creed, origin, sexual orientation, disability or marital status. The admission policy is in compliance with the U.S. Department of Education, AR State Board of Barber Examiners, National Accrediting Commission of Career Arts and Sciences guidelines and the Veterans Administration Education Department.




  • Before enrolling a prospective student for admission, Northern Technical College provides access online to a copy of Northern Technical College's Catalog, Student Handbook, all required consumer pre-enrollment information, knowledge that accurately reports the certification or licensing requirements of the jurisdiction for which it is preparing graduates and provides access to materials that accurately reflect the most recent accreditation annual report statistics.

  • The prospective student’s educational background is considered prior to enrolling a student. 

  • Northern Technical College does not admit ability-to-benefit students.

  • All students admitted are beyond the compulsory age of attendance for the State of Arkansas. 

  • All students must be enrolled as a regular student in an eligible program.





In order to be admitted on the first day of class for an educational course and/or program, the student must have completed / provided the following documentation:  


  • Enrollment Application

  • Valid Proof of Successful Completion of High School as evidenced by any of the items as listed under “Educational Requirements Prior to Starting Classes.”

  • (2) 2 X 3 pictures

  • Copy of Social Security Card or Government Document with last 4 digits of Social Security Number and name on it (i.e. Tax form, letter from social security office, etc.)

  • Academic Achievement:

    • Copy of the student’s high school or college transcript(s)

  • Personal Identification / Proof of Age:

    • Copy of the student’s identification, such as driver’s license, passport, or government-issued identification, or birth certificate


  • Required Pre-Enrollment Forms / Policies, signed when applicable

  • Enrollment Agreement, completed, signed and dated

    • The enrollment agreement must be fully executed prior to the enrollee starting classes

    • Northern Technical College maintains the original copy of this fully executed enrollment agreement

    •  A copy of the signed agreement is provided to the enrollee and/or parent, legal guardian (when applicable)



  • Complete the enrollment application and return it to Northern Technical College Admissions office online, via email, mail, or in person.

  • Have your high school and post-high school transcripts sent to Northern Technical College address.

  • Have a copy of Your State Issued Driver’s License or Identification Card sent to Northern Technical College

  • Along with (2) 2x3 Pictures of Yourself

  • $20.00 Money Order or Cashier's Check (Non-Refundable Application Fee)


Contact Northern Technical College admissions office once all documents are turned in to schedule an admissions interview meeting.  During the meeting information concerning curriculum books and kit, apparel code, and available Title IV Aid / payment plans will be shared. 

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Northern Technical College

Contact Us

Tel:(870) 329-5136


Office Hours:

Tuesday-Friday / 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM


22215 E. Harding Suite 8 & 9 Pine Bluff, AR 71601

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